Siranli Dental
Initial Exam/Diagnosis/Findings
Prosthodontist owner with the need to fill her schedule as well as her 2 GP associates schedules. Recent expansion of the practice. Lots more capacity to fill. Goals were to add another GP in 9 months. Initial NP volume was about 10 NP per month for everyone. The office needed more new patients.
Challenge #1
This practice is in a business section of Washington DC. This is not necessarily what someone would consider a residential section of DC.
Challenge #2
This is a very upscale dental practice. The owner wants general dentistry patients yes, but also wants more prosthodontic cases to come from the marketing efforts.
Challenge #3
This dental practice is surrounded by natural and manmade barriers on all 4 sides. To the east, west, and south, there are rivers and bridges. To the north, the demographics drop off dramatically.
Challenge #4
This is a fee for service dental practice.
Challenge #5
If you were to line up the most challenging dental marketing situation, this practice would have been at or near the top.
We had a ton of challenges
But we also had assets
- We had an owner who took the time to listen, understand, and consider the realities of her marketplace, and what it was going to take to begin to generate momentum.
- We were able to take control of and build her a new website. This allowed us to co-brand the marketing together.
The Treatment Plan
Step 1
New website.
Step 2
Google Local optimization, to make sure she showed up in the map area.
Step 3
Web position optimization so we could build toward organic search exposure.
Step 4
Google Ad Campaign & Optimization.
The treatment plan came with expectations. Each step would take time to begin generating additional new patient flow to the practice. Nothing is instant. To her credit, Dr. Siranli listened, understood, and agreed to the expectations.
The Treatment Outcome
The website was built, the local optimization took about 60 days to kick in, the web position optimization took about 60 days to begin showing improvement. The Google Ad campaign and optimization started, stopped, then started again. About 3 months after we started her campaign, we noticed opportunities in the data, so we retooled the campaigns and restarted them.
This took us to months 8 and 9 when again, we noticed another opportunity in the data. The new patient numbers were improving every month, but there was a LOT of capacity to fill (treatment rooms, filling the first 2 GP schedules, then filling the 3rd GP schedule and all the new treatment rooms), so the Google Ad budget was doubled. Guess what happened? You got it. Even more new patients!
Optimization is an incredible thing to watch.
Collected & analyzed data from dentist
Created a treatment plan
Reviewed data & made adjustments as required
New patient & revenue numbers increasing every month
How is Siranli Dental doing today?
- The doctor can just focus on patients and let NPI do what we do best.
- In her NP call dashboard, she can see the results she is getting and monitor the performance of her team.
- The staff is doing a much improved job answering the phone and answering the tough questions some new patients throw at them.
- New patients numbers are running 4x to 6x what they were when she started.
- Capacity (additional rooms and providers) is being filled.
She is tripling her Google Ad budget (after she just doubled it three months ago)!
Watch out DC! You have a dental rock star!
What’s next for Siranli Dental?
A word about Siranli Dental from Mark Dilatush
President of New Patients, Inc.
“Dr. Samantha Siranli and her team get half the credit for the results they are getting. The doctor took the time to understand truthful, honest, realistic, expectations. Her ability to do that allowed us the ability to have the time and data to optimize her campaign. Without the doctor’s understanding (and patience), NONE of the great results would have been possible.
We ran into a situation with a new employee not handling calls properly and brought it to her attention. Many clients dismiss these situations or blame their marketing company. Not Dr. Siranli. She listened and took immediate corrective action. NONE of the great results would have been possible if the corrective action hadn’t been taken.
Excellent results can only be generated when the marketing firm and owner understand the challenge, understand the strategy to overcome the challenge, and the cost/steps/time necessary to turn the challenge into a great result.”